So, I got about an hour and a little bit into the Tom Petty DVD and it started skipping. Now I've got to wait for a replacement to come in, which bums me out because I could definitely have finished up watching that tomorrow on my day off. I spent a good chunk of time this morning sitting with a guitar, just playing. It feels like forever since I've actually gotten time to just play for a while. It was a nice reintroduction, if you will, to playing. Getting that chance, and then having tomorrow off will be a good run for the music. Some of the things I had hoped to get to late last week, 1) "Red House" 2) Teaching stuff 3) Practicing and the binder I now hope to get to, at least somewhat, tomorrow. I'm expecting a great day of music on the first day of the new month. There's much listening to do tomorrow as well. The one record I especially want to check out is Another Fine Day by Golden Smog, one of my Booksale finds from a week ago....